Reasons for Giving

Why Give to Heritage Frederick?

Our most important partnerships are history lovers like you!

Here are some reasons YOU should support Heritage Frederick:

  • We have been guardians of Frederick County history since 1892.
  • Our Research Center is a treasure trove of genealogical and architectural history.
  • Our Museum is a showcase of historical artifacts unique to our community.
  • We offer engaging educational activities for all ages.
  • We make history FUN!

Our future plans include:

  • Creative exhibits
  • In-house programs for adults and children
  • Outreach programs to schools and retirement communities
  • Special events and
  • Upgrades to our Research Center

The Historical Society of Frederick County, dba Heritage Frederick, is a 501(c) (3) non-profit educational organization, donations to which are deductible to the full extent of the law.  Heritage Frederick’s current financial statement is available upon request. Information submitted to State of Maryland under the Charitable Solicitations Act is available from the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost of copying and postage.

Frederick family

We cannot accomplish these goals without your help. Here’s how: