A Creagerstown Bedstead

A beautiful, dark, stained, cherry bedstead from the mid-19th century recently went on view in Heritage Frederick’s second floor “Frederick County Coverlets” exhibit, and while the coverlets garner all the attention in the exhibition, this early Frederick County rope bed deserves a closer look.

The bed belonged to William Jasper Groshon and his wife, Amy, and it came out of their stone house, still standing today, on Eaton Road in Creagerstown. The Groshon family (originally Grosjean) were immigrants from France who arrived in America in 1751. William’s great grandfather John, born in Edenton, North Carolina, settled his branch of the family in Creagerstown in the first decade of the 19th century.

John Creager laid out the town between 1760 and 1770, and Isaac Kolb built the first house in Creagerstown in 1775. The town experienced many years of steady growth and was home to a tannery and brewery in its early years. By 1858, Creagerstown had a doctor’s office, two stores, a hotel, and a school as well as a church and parsonage.

William Jasper Groshon was born in Creagerstown in 1843. He fought in the Civil War, serving as a private in Company D of the 6th Maryland Infantry. Following the war he married Amy Weddle and worked as a stone mason. Family lore suggests that all nine of the couple’s children were born in this bed and that, tragically, their mother died from the measles in the bed in 1888 at the age of 39. Her obituary indicated that five of the nine children, ranging in age from 20 years to 17 months old, also were suffering with the measles at the time of their mother’s death. 

Creagerstown in 1858 (Isaac Bond Map, Library of Congress)
William and Amy Groshon’s House at Creagerstown

The stone house on Eaton Road served as a meeting place for the Groshon family to gather throughout the years. A widowed daughter-in-law who lived in Philadelphia with her seven children would bring her clan back to Creagerstown to spend summers at the home visiting with their grandfather and cousins, sleeping outside, and enjoying large family dinners in the yard. Margaret, an unmarried daughter of William who kept house for him, is reported to have joked that she had to sleep on a nail when the Philadelphia cousins came to town. She was a small lady, so this may have been true.

Rope beds were invented in the 16th century and fell out of fashion quickly after the invention of the coil spring mattress in 1865. This example is a ¾ size, which would have been standard for the time, and was made in or near Creagerstown around the mid-nineteenth century.  A rope bed features pegs along the head and foot boards as well as the side rails.  Rope is wound around the pegs, stretching from head to foot and then side to side. The ropes would be tightened regularly with a wooden tool called a bed key, after which a stuffed mattress would be placed on top. The bedtime directive to “sleep tight” comes from this practice. Regardless of how tight the ropes were pulled, rope beds sagged causing anything on the bed to roll toward the center. As a result, they’re most comfortable for just one person to sleep in.

The bed was handed down in the family and was donated to Heritage Frederick in 2003 by George D. Basford, the great grandson of William and Amy Groshon.

May 1, 2023 by Amy Hunt, Heritage Frederick Curator

The Intriguing History of Public Lotteries

Everyone is familiar with the dream of winning a major cash prize by playing the lottery. However, in the early history of the United States, lotteries were a popular form of raising money to build governmental, educational, and other public structures and to fund public services. Perhaps most surprising when viewed from our contemporary conception of lotteries, they were commonly used to help pay for the construction of houses of worship for religious institutions.

Frederick’s Republican Gazette newspaper of June 20, 1804, carried notices of two public lotteries that were raising funds to support the construction of churches in the county. One of these projects was “to build a church in Woodsbury [Woodsboro] for the Lutheran and Presbyterian congregations in the neighborhood.” The church described in this lottery notice is known today as Saint John’s United Church of Christ and still stands on North Second Street in Woodsboro. Two years before this lottery announcement appeared in the local paper, the citizens of Woodsboro laid the cornerstone for this church which was intended to be shared by the Lutheran and Reformed [noted as Presbyterian in the advertisement] congregations. The lottery was authorized to raise $12,000, of which $1,800 would go to the new church, which was not completed until fifteen years later in 1819. 

The second lottery announcement concerned raising money to “complete the Church of St. John in Frederick-Town.” The building referred to in this announcement was the old Saint John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, which stood on the northwest corner of East Second Street and Chapel Alley, opposite the present Saint John’s Church. Father John DuBois, the future Bishop of New York and the founder of Mount Saint Mary’s University, was the priest in charge of the Frederick parish when construction was started on this church in 1800. Among the commissioners assigned to oversee this lottery was Frederick attorney and later Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Roger Brooke Taney. The lottery for the Catholic Church was intended to raise $24,000, of which $3,600 would be given to the parish for completing the construction.

Why were lotteries a popular form of public fundraising? Many religious, educational, and other public institutions in the early United States lacked their own financial resources to complete major initiatives like constructing new buildings. The lottery offered a self-funding means of raising money by voluntary participation. Having recently fought a revolution, in part, against excessive taxation, this concept was significantly more palatable than a compulsory tax. The receiving institution generally earned 15% of the total funds raised, the rest being paid out in prizes to the ticket purchasers, who had about a 50% chance of winning something from the lottery. There were many other projects supported by public lotteries in Frederick County in the early-nineteenth century. These included the bell tower of the Lutheran Church at Emmitsburg, completed in 1814, and the purchasing of firefighting equipment for the Independent Hose Company in Frederick.


Dasgupta, Anisha. “Public Finance and the Fortunes of the Early American Lottery.” Yale Law School, (2021). Accessed April 6, 2023.

McWilliams, Jane. “’Fortune Attends the Brave:’ A Brief History of Lotteries in Maryland.” Maryland States Archives, (1989). Accessed April 6, 2023.

April 1, 2023 by Jody Brumage, Heritage Frederick Archivist

Early Female Education in Frederick County

Henrietta Bacchtel received this award in 1838 in recognition of her achievement in fourth class writing. She was a student at St. Joseph’s Academy in Emmitsburg, one of the earliest institutions dedicated to the education of women in Frederick County. Henrietta and her colleagues studied at St. Joseph’s during a time when the school’s curriculum was evolving in accordance with changing attitudes towards women’s education in the United States. 

When St. Joseph’s Academy opened its doors in 1809, the school’s first thirty students were educated in basic writing, reading, and arithmetic in addition to courses in etiquette and other domestic duties a woman was expected to perform once she married and started a family. By the mid-19th century, the school’s curriculum shifted to a greater academic focus with the introduction of courses in the sciences, philosophy, and languages. In time, schools like St. Joseph’s Academy developed a comprehensive academic course of study for their students and many of the women used this education to become teachers after the establishment of public education systems in the late-19th century. In 1902, St, Joseph’s Academy received a charter to become a degree-granting college which it remained until its closure in 1973. 

St. Joseph’s Academy was founded by Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, who came to Frederick County in 1809 with the goal of caring for poor children and educating young women. Born into a wealthy New York family in 1774, Elizabeth’s early adulthood followed the traditional path of many women in her class and time. She married William Magee Seton at age 19 and had five children. Her husband enjoyed success in his business pursuits and the family lived in an upper-class neighborhood in New York City. However, by the age of 30, Elizabeth’s husband had died from tuberculosis and the family’s fortune had been decimated by trade interruptions from ongoing European conflicts. In this difficult point of her life, Elizabeth converted to Catholicism and dedicated herself to caring for children in need.   

At the invitation of Sulpician priests from Baltimore, Elizabeth moved to Maryland in 1809 and settled at Emmitsburg where she organized a religious order named the Sisters of Charity of St. Josephs (renamed Daughters of Charity in 1811). At the same time, the order established St. Joseph’s Academy to educate young women. Elizabeth Ann Seton was canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1975, becoming the first person born in the United States to become a Catholic saint.

March 1, 2023 by Jody Brumage, Heritage Frederick Archivist

Dr. George Snowball

This well-worn medical kit belonged to Dr. George Joseph Snowball (1878-1984) who conducted a dental practice on West All Saints Street for fifty-seven years between 1913 and 1970. Now preserved in the collection at Heritage Frederick, the kit is a significant artifact from the vibrant professional community that existed on All Saints Street during the era of racial segregation in Frederick.

George Snowball was born in Kingston, Jamaica, then a part of the British West Indies. He began his working life as a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse. However, George aspired to become a doctor. After a decade of teaching and saving money, George immigrated to the United States and entered the dental school at Howard University. After a year in Washington, DC, George transferred to Meharry Medical School in Nashville, Tennessee, where he received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. Dr. Snowball returned to Maryland to take his exams and become licensed to practice.

Dr. David G. Everhart, a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners, was impressed with Dr. Snowball and offered to assist him in establishing a practice in Frederick. He introduced Dr. Snowball to another Frederick physician, Dr. Ulysses G. Bourne, Sr., who became a lifelong friend and professional colleague. Dr. Bourne helped Dr. Snowball set up his first office at 5 West All Saints Street. Later, Dr. Snowall moved his practice to 28 West All Saints Street, next door to Dr. Bourne’s office. By this time, George had married May Naomi Wolfe of Lewistown, and she worked as his receptionist and nurse.

Dr. George Snowball

The Snowballs kept long hours serving the residents of Frederick. Dr. Snowball often received patients from 9:00 in the morning to noon, 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, and again in the evening after 7:00. The family was actively engaged in the First Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. Snowball received several accolades from community organizations in recognition of his service to Frederick. A special acknowledgement came in 1969 when he received the President’s Award from his alma mater, Meharry Medical School, to recognize his half century in the dental profession.

Failing eyesight forced Dr. Snowball to retire in 1970 at the age of 92 after fifty-seven years in his practice. He died at the age of 105 in 1984 and was buried at Fairview Cemetery in Frederick.

February 1, 2023 by Jody Brumage, Heritage Frederick Archivist

Shining Tribute to an Old Friend Returns Home after 150 years

A recent donation to Heritage Frederick tells a wonderful story of a much beloved citizen, his descendants migration to the West and their dedication to their family’s roots back home in Frederick.  Charles Mantz was born in Frederick on December 7, 1807.  His parents, John and Susan Krupp Mantz were “cradle to grave” Fredericktonians and Charles was one of seven children.  On his path to the title “prosperous merchant,” Charles spent his early career in partnership with his older brothers and later in partnership with Allen G. Quynn in that family’s renowned hardware dynasty.  He was instrumental in the creation of what became the United Steam Fire Engine Company No. 3 in 1845, becoming the first President of the Company.  His last great endeavor was to serve the community of Frederick as the Clerk of the Circuit Court from 1867 to 1873.  As a gift upon his retirement, Charles, who was greatly admired by his colleagues, was gifted a stunning, silver plated ice water urn, engraved with a touching tribute.  The inscription reads: “To Charles Mantz, Esq., Clerk of the Circuit Court for Frederick County, From his Deputies, A. Fearhak, Jr., H. C. Koehler, Wm. Nash Young, Walker Y. Page, Chas H. Baugher, Arthur Potts; A Testimonial of their esteem for him as an officer and a Gentleman with their sincere regard for him as a Friend, Dec 1st, 1873;” The urn, which stands almost 2 ½ feet tall was a treasured centerpiece in the family home on East Patrick Street.

The allure of the American West during the last half of the 19th century was still irresistible to young people hoping to make a name and a living for themselves and, with the inevitable passage of time, Charles’ children were drawn away from the home of their youth. Son, Charles Gomber Mantz, first followed his sister Mary to Omaha where she moved as a new bride.  He then worked in the cattle business in Wyoming before settling in Fort Collins, Colorado. His three children, Charles, Anna and Florence were born many years after their grandfather had passed away here in Frederick in 1879, the treasured water urn lovingly displayed in their parents dining room, a constant reminder of him.  Despite never having met him, a connection in their much beloved grandfather remained.  In 1961, the three donated $300, divided between the C. Burr Artz Library and Historical Society of Frederick County (now Heritage Frederick) in memory of their grandfather.  

The stunning cold water urn, made in 1873 by Meriden Britannia Silver Company of Connecticut and decorated with a rare pattern of polar bears and icebergs, recently made the journey from California back home to Frederick, a gift of Florence, who passed away in 1992, and her son Edward B. Dewey, who has enjoyed the urn in his home for his entire life, using the piece regularly, most recently in the summer of 2021 as it dispensed ice cold lemonade at a summer family celebration.  I love the following quote that Anna found in one of her grandfather’s letters dated Christmas day 1874.

“Mr. Otis Johnson, chief clerk, William Miller, assistant, all my clerks, some few members of the bar and my neighbors, paid their respects by calling to see me and wishing me a Merry Christmas…. We dined on oysters today and have a turkey and opossum in reserve for tomorrow and Sunday ….”  The urn will be the highlight of Heritage Frederick’s holiday display, on view for Frosty Friday.  The piece will be moved to the courthouse for display in the new year.

January 1, 2023 by Amy Hunt, Heritage Frederick Curator