Research Services
Those interested in conducting research in our archives and library are strongly encouraged to make an appointment to visit the Research Center in person. However, if you cannot visit us in person, Heritage Frederick is happy to provide online research services in two main categories: Genealogical/General Historical Research or Property History Research.
- Our Genealogical/General Historical Research Service includes one hour of staff and/or volunteer led research in Heritage Frederick’s library and archives. We will provide up to 10 digital reproductions of resources that are identified during this hour as well as a summary of our findings and citations for resources utilized. The cost for the Genealogical/General Historical Research Service is $35.00.
- Our Property History Research Service includes two hours of staff and/or volunteer led research to create a deed chain tracing the ownership history of a property. We will provide digital copies of the deeds as well as any historical descriptions of your property that may be contained in our library or archives. The cost for the Property History Research service is $50.00.
For any online research request, we may contact you if additional time is required to complete a thorough search of our resources in the pursuit of your research goals. The cost for additional research time is $25.00 per hour. Heritage Frederick cannot guarantee that we will be able to find the exact records or answers you are seeking in all research projects. In the event that we are unable to positively identify an answer or resource for your research question(s), we will provide an explanation of our attempt and the resources consulted in the process.
If you have questions about our general research services, please email our Archivist, Jody Brumage.
Duplication of Archival Resources
Heritage Frederick’s Archives and Research Center can provide digital or print reproductions of resources from our collections, so long as the reproduction is allowable under U.S. copyright law.
The cost for duplicating documents from our archives or vertical files from our Research Center collections is $25.00 for up to 100 copies. Additional pages will incur additional charges to be agreed upon by the customer and our staff prior to the completion of a request.
Duplication of photographs for personal use can be obtained in standard resolution jpg image files (300 DPI) at $15.00 per photograph or in high resolution tiff image files (600 DPI) at $35.00 per photograph. Duplication of photographs in physical prints can be obtained at a cost of $35.00 per photograph which includes shipping via U.S.P.S.
A chart of fees for commercial usage of duplicated photographs is presented on our duplication request form. Please allow up to 4 weeks for a duplication request to be processed.